Case Studies
All Saints’ Woodham

The village of Woodham, adjacent to New Haw and Addlestone, has a long history, being mentioned in the Charter of Chertsey Abbey in 933. All Saints’ Church was built in 1894 when the then squire, Mr. Stevens, was dissatisfied with the churches in Woking and desired something more anglo-catholic.
Whilst this delightful church still maintains it’s traditional worship style, the PCC were totally focused on a contemporary approach to a newly installed sound system.
The brief given to Sound Analysts was a system delivering crystal clear reproduction of the spoken word and music playback. Ease of use was essential with a default setting that would allow immediate operation of certain functions on power-up.
The system uses predominantly Yamaha, EM Acoustics & Sennheiser components. A small number of speakers in the side chapels and adjacent hall were retained and incorporated into the new system. At the core of the system is a Yamaha MTX series programmable mixer/controller with control from a digital control unit at the rear of the Nave and an iPad.
Two pairs of EM Acoustics’ speakers cover the centre section of the Nave with a further four Yamaha VX3 units providing clarity to the narrow side aisles.